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World best
stress reduction device
BrainWavez Functions
Schumann Resonance
Stress reduction

Schumann Resonance reduces stress, and improves health.
Schumann resonance resides in the atmosfere for millions of years
There are more than 3,000 research and publications that shows the health benefit of Shumann resonance on our health.
Every given moment there are 2000 lightning around the globe
Each lightning creates a wave that goes around the earth
BrainWavez is the world first device that creates Schumann resonance in our brain waves.
Deep stress reduction

Deep stress reduction activte
your Theta brain waves
and bring you to deep relaxation
and stress reduction
Guided Meditation

Transcendental Meditation?
Silva Mind Control?
And many other kinds of meditation.
Why pay hundreds of dollars,
spending many hours in learning and practicing,
when you can just sit comfortably,
press the button of the BrainWavez
and meditate.
Guided Sleep

Guided Sleep :
Is used in the beginning of the night, to help you fall asleep
Is used during the night sleep, if you wake up and have trouble to fall asleep

Solving Driver's fatigue
"I was driving for many hours and felt fatigue.
I had stopped the car aside
Using the BrainWavez for 4 minutes-
brought me back the energy and focus
and I could drive for 3 hours more"
Customers Testimonials
Ex combat pilot

“I Suffer from Dislexia
Never in my life
I could read more than 3 pages in a book
After using BrainWavez for 15 minutes
3 times a day for 4 months
I had succeeded to read 10 full books
and I enjoy reading very much"
Senior Software Programmer

“I suffer from ADHD
Now - when I am programming Software
I use the BrainWavez during programming
and I am in higher focus,
Programming results are much better
and I can programm for more hours"
PTSD Sufferer

“I suffer from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
I was trying many ways to overcome it
nothing helped
using The BrainWavez is OK with me
and it helps a little.
Even if I have seizure at night
I use the BrainWavez to relax
and it helps a little.
The advantage is that it is handy
and I can use it anytime I want"
Sleeping problems

“I have sleeping problems
for a long time
I have a watch measuring my sleeping quality
Up until now my watch showed
Sleeping quality = 65
When I am using the BrainWavez
I slept better - and
my sleeping quality jumped to 83
BrainWavez help me fall asleep faster"
Solving Driver's fatigue

"I was driving for many hours and felt fatigue.
I had stopped the car aside
Using the BrainWavez for 4 minutes-
brought me back the energy and focus
and I could drive for 3 hours more"

BrainWavez for Gamers
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